Unpublished interview with the late Ayatollah Mojtahed Shabestari

سه شنبه, 07 دی 1400

“I call on the honorable followers of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) to maintain their awareness, and to be equipped against the propaganda and soft war of the enemy, and to be able to respond to them. Lest they be influenced and dominated by their evil instincts and suspicions. They must always be ready to provide appropriate and striking answers to the enemies. If they are not able to do so, and are not prepared for that, they should turn to Islamic scholars, so that, firstly, prevent doubts to remain in their minds, and secondly, gain the necessary and appropriate answers. In any case, in the face of the soft war of the enemies of Islam, it is necessary for us to fight to the best of our ability.”

Ayatollah Mohsen Mujtahied Shabestari, one of the pioneers of jihad and ijtihad, and former chairman of the Supreme Council of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly passed away on November 17, 2021, at the age of eighty-four.

In celebration of the 39th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 2018, a special issue was prepared by the Office for International Affairs of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly for the use of members of the General Assembly, and affiliated members of the Assembly in different countries.

In that special issue, an interview was held with the late Ayatollah Mojtahed Shabestari, the then chairman of the Supreme Council of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly. Since the interview was not made public, it is now being presented to ABNA readers on the occasion of the 40th day of his demise.

By: Sayed Kazem Zakeri

Blessed life of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is now 39 years old. Given that you had a brilliant record during the Islamic Revolution, please talk about the characteristics of this revolution.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. The most important features of the Islamic Revolution can be summarized in a few points. One of the characteristics of the glorious Islamic Revolution of Iran is its universality. In other words, the Islamic Revolution of Iran did not belong to any particular party or group. In revolutions in other parts of the world, one party usually revolts against another. That is, a particular group takes action against another group that rules that country. But in our Islamic Revolution, a certain group or party did not start its movement and activity, but the vast majority of the Iranian nation revolted against a vicious monarchy regime. This universality, being popular and the presence and participation of the overwhelming majority of the nation in this movement, is an important and special feature for the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

The second characteristic of this glorious revolution is its Islamic nature. The people revolted with Islamic motives and did not pursue non-religious demands such as material facilities and economic issues or other specific political motives. Rather, as it was clear from the slogans of the people as well as from the preachers’ sermons, the majority of the people in this movement participated in the demonstrations with the slogans of Allahu Akbar and La ilaha illa Allah and their demand was to implement the rules of Islam in the country and repeal the laws of the corrupt monarchy. They wanted Islamic law to be both legislated and enforced in their country. In short, the people wanted Islam, and of course, everything lies in being Islamic. A healthy economy, welfare and comfort, social justice and all human issues are in the same characteristic of being Islamic. While Islamic values ​​prevail, other issues such as social justice, the elimination of discrimination, etc. are included in being Islamic.

The third characteristic of the Revolution was that it was led by a religious authority. Usually in other revolutions, the leader is an ordinary person and an ordinary politician. While in this revolution, a Marja (source of emulation) was in charge of the movement whose majority of the people acknowledged him as the most prominent Mojtahed and Faqih, the most just personality, ascetic and pious. The late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was extremely popular. During the Major Occultation of Imam Mahdi (a.s.), he has been a rare or unique Marja.

Of course, some other Marjas also had movements in political issues in their time. Like the late Mirza Shirazi or Ayatollah Kashani who was a political Marja. Some other elders have been involved in socio-political issues throughout history. But un undisputed Marja to be emulated by the majority of the people, as well as his uprising to overthrow the oppressive regime and replace it with an Islamic system, was a distinctive feature of Imam Khomeini and his movement. From the very beginning, he fought against domestic tyranny and foreign colonization, and after years of hard work and struggle, the unity and obedience of the people to his leadership led to the revolution. By the grace of God, this revolution was victorious on February 11, 1979, and the 2,500-year-old monarchy fell into the dustbin of history and was replaced by the Islamic Republic.

Of course, other features can be mentioned for the Revolution. But on this occasion, we mentioned the most obvious ones.

In your opinion, which of the achievements of the Islamic Revolution are of special importance that can be propagated and promoted?

With the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian nation and country achieved important achievements, the main of which was independence. Independence was the main demand and the main slogan of the people during the revolution, which was chanted in the form of “Independence, Freedom, the Islamic Republic”. Praise be to God, this independence has been an important achievement of the Islamic Revolution, and with the victory of the Revolution, our country no longer has any dependence on foreigners. In previous periods, for example during the reign of Reza Khan Pahlavi, Iran depended on Britain, and after him during the reign of his son Mohammad Reza, the country depended on the United States. This was the case in pre-Pahlavi governments and dynasties, and Iran in any case had some kind of foreign dependence. But after the victory of the Revolution, and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, these affiliations were eliminated and complete independence was achieved in all aspects of political, military, defense, cultural and so on. It can now be claimed that there is no country more independent than the Islamic Republic of Iran. Although some countries, such as Non-Aligned Countries, are said to be independent, a closer look reveals that they are also somehow dependent on foreigners. The only country that has no foreign affiliation, and whose policy, since its establishment, has been based on “No East, No West (Just Islamic Republic)”, is our Islamic country, Iran. Thank God that this blessing and this blessed achievement has been bestowed on our country.

Another achievement of the Islamic Revolution is security. By studying history, we see that there have been many wars and insecurities in the countries of the region especially in contemporary era. In recent years, we have witnessed insecurity in various parts of the region and other regions. Praise be to God, in the 39 years that have passed since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, we are witnessing that by the leadership of the Vali Faqih of the time, namely Imam Khomeini and his rightful successor Ayatollah Khamenei, and also thanks to the awakening, awareness and cohesion of the Iranian nation in the country, security has been established. Thank God that all the necessities of establishing and maintaining security are available. The security of Iran is truly exemplary. Security is one of the important achievements of the Islamic Revolution that has been bestowed on the Iranian nation.

Another achievement is self-confidence. After the Islamic Revolution, our nation realized this feature and acquired it. The former regime tried to make us dependent on foreigners. This dependence was present in all dimensions. In terms of agriculture, Iran imported most of its commodities and basic goods from abroad. The country’s agriculture was paralyzed. They even imported wheat from other countries. Also in the industrial sector, we were generally dependent and had nothing of our own. If something was made in Iran, if a young man took the initiative and showed creativity, the achievement of this young innovator would be taken abroad, and then returned to the country with a foreign logo, and it would be introduced and offered as a foreign product. That is, at that time, creativity and genius were not promoted and encouraged. They did not allow self-belief to take root and spread in Iran. We were dependent on foreigners in every way. There was no prosperity in the fields of technology, agriculture, and industry. Especially scientifically, there was no action or progress in our country. But after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, by the grace of God Almighty, in various fields of technology, especially in the nuclear field, we have achieved remarkable victories and admirable progress. Of course, foreigners are cheating, and oppose with excuses and try to stop this path. Also in stem cells, in the defense industry sector with the production of long-range missiles and drones, as well as activities and developments in the field of nanoscience, etc. we witness the fruits of self-confidence in the era of the Islamic system.

Another very important achievement of the Islamic Revolution is the revival of Islamic values. Of course, this has been achieved to some extent. Because we believe that, as Imam Khomeini (r.a.) said, a breeze of Islam is blowing in our country and the rules of Islam are not fully implemented. But to some extent, the situation in the radio and television, the films that are produced and screened, the general appearance of the country in the streets, etc., has been improved. Of course, there is some non-observance of hijab now. But before the revolution, the Shah’s regime, like in Western countries, promoted nakedness culture. That regime tried to leave no trace of Islam. As all we know, at that time, the Quran, Friday prayers and public ceremonies on various religious occasions did not exist, or if they did exist, they were very weak. Friday prayers were not held, and sometimes one or two people held this religious ritual in some cities. For example, Ayatollah Araki prayed Friday prayers at the Imam Mosque in Qom. But in total, a small number, about 10-20 people, participated in it. But now, in all parts of the country, about 900 different places the Friday prayers are established.

Also, at that time, other religious value programs, such as reciting and memorizing the Quran, were not held. But now thousands of our young people and teenagers are proficient not only in reciting and Tajwid of the Quran, but also in memorizing it. There are now a large number of Quran memorizers across the country, and their number increasing year by year, which is one of the blessings of our Islamic Revolution.

In short, the situation has improved both culturally and academically. Of course, culture in the special sense, which is related to religious values, and culture in the general sense, that is, scientifically improved. The number of our universities has increased. Before the Islamic Revolution, only certain people had the right to enter the university. But now the number of Iranian students is very large and maybe tens of times more than before the revolution. It should be noted that despite the poisonous propaganda that Islam restricts women, according to statistics, the number of educated or employed women is higher than men.

Of course, there are problems in various fields, including economic, cultural, etc. But comparing the situations before and after the revolution, it turns out that, thank God, a lot of progress has been made. We hope that the existing shortcomings will be eliminated through the efforts of government officials. God willing.

How do you assess and predict the future of the Islamic Revolution?

In Quranic verses such as “وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ” (Allah will certainly aid those who aid his cause) (Quran, 22: 40), “وَلَا تَهِنُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ” (Do not weaken or grieve: you shall have the upper hand, should you be faithful) (Quran, 3: 139) and “يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنْ تَنْصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنْصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَكُمْ” (O you who have faith! If you help Allah, He will help you and make your feet steady) (Quran, 47: 7) and many other verses, God has promised that if people move towards God and help God’s religion, surely His victory and support will include that nation and people. We now understand this concept. By obeying the Vali Faqih of the time, people move towards Islam, Islamic values ​​and support the religion of God. Seeing such a situation, we hope that His divine grace and unseen help will definitely include this nation. As during the holy defense (Iraq’s eight-year imposed war on Iran) we all saw people move to the fronts. The movement started from the people, and the unseen blessings and help came from God. The late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) repeatedly said this verse: “وَمَا رَمَيْتَ إِذْ رَمَيْتَ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ رَمَىٰ” (you did not throw when you threw, rather, it was Allah who threw) (Quran, 8: 17). This means that when people start moving towards God and helping His religion, divine help will surely be included in them. Since the divine promises are inviolable, we hope that the future will get better day by day. In the meantime, although some are not thankful for the divine blessings, they neglect, and do not give thanks for the divine blessings as they deserve, the majority of the people are thankful, aware, and follow the Velayat line. They are in the line of Islam and the Quran and the AhlulBayt (a.s.). We are confident that the future of the Revolution will be better than the current situation.

Signs of a bright future are already visible. We saw that the enemies intended to attack not only Iran, but also our neighbors. But with the efforts of the people, with the grace and providence of God, and the leadership and guidance of Vali Faqih of the time, Syria and Iraq were cleansed of the filth of miscreants and takfiri mercenary groups such as ISIL and so on. The enemies were trying to come to the Islamic Republic of Iran after the occupation of those countries. But not only was not the slightest damage done to our country, but also those neighboring countries were cleansed from terrorists. These are signs of divine help. We hope that other countries, such as Yemen and Bahrain, which have made moves, will win with the perseverance of the people, the continuation of the struggle and the resistance, which will certainly work. Like the people of Iran, who achieved their goals as a result of the continuation of the resistance, those oppressed and raised nations will certainly achieve their goals and will see the establishment of Islamic rule and victory in the fight against the oppressors, the arrogant and the arrogant puppets.

The sum of the Quranic promises, as well as the available evidence, shows a good future for the Islamic Revolution. We believe that our Islamic Revolution is the prelude to the world rule of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). In our religious texts, it is stated, ‘Some people from the Orient rise up and prepare the ground for the world rule of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)’. We believe that our Islamic Revolution is the prelude to the world rule of that Imam and has a good future. We hope that God willing, Vali Faqih of the time, Ayatollah Khamenei, will give the flag of Islam to Imam Mahdi (a.s.). God willing, we or the next generation will have the success of witnessing the establishment of the world rule of Imam Mahdi (a.s.).

Given that the addressees of this special issue are members of the General Assembly and affiliated members of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly in different countries of the world, if you have any advice or remarks for them, please let us know.

Of course, I do not deserve to have advice for the followers of AhlulBayt (a.s.). Rather, I am devoted to the followers and lovers of the AhlulBayt (a.s.). But I ask them not to forget this famous hadith of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) who said, “My AhlulBayt are like the Noah’s ark, to which whoever takes refuge will be saved, and whoever turns away from it will be drowned and caught.”

They should appreciate this divine grace, that is, the inclination to this school. They should appeal to the AhlulBayt (a.s.) more and more, and their devotion and obedience to the AhlulBayt (a.s.) should increase day by day. Because not only have they been saved by believing in and following the AhlulBayt (a.s.) and they have been blessed with felicity in this world and the hereafter, but they also invite others to this path wherever they live. They should try to be the promoters of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) both verbally and practically.

We do not expect Sunnis to convert to Shiism. The Shiites also never turn away from their religion and belief. Rather, our expectation is that the lovers of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) should be united, the people of Iran, who are known for their obedience to the AhlulBayt (a.s.), should coordinate and obey the leader of the Muslims who is present in the Islamic country. This Supreme Leader is not only for Iran, but he is the leader of all Muslims in the world. He ordered the establishment of The World Forum for the Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought and the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly. Taking this measure, means calling for unity and cohesion on the principle of belief and practice of Islam.

Most of our Sunni brothers and sisters are lovers of the AhlulBayt (a.s.). Imams (a.s.) and AhlulBayt of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) are unique in terms of scientific authority, and virtues. Therefore, Muslims should follow them and appeal to those holy loved ones, and benefit from their light, maintain their unity and try to invite people to the AhlulBayt (a.s.), both in language and in practice, and in particular, they should pay attention to Velayat-e-Faqih and invite the people to the fact that Vali-e-Faqih is not only for the country of Iran. Muslims must be united under one flag, which is the flag of Velayat-e-Faqih. Especially at a time when the enemies of Islam have intensified anti-Shiism and anti-Islam. According to the Supreme Leader, the United States and Israel and other enemies of Islam and Muslims, seeing the authority and stability of the Islamic Republic of Iran, their enmity and hostility has increased. Therefore, we must pay attention to the fact that as the hostility of the arrogant increases, they launch new conspiracies and sanctions against Muslims every day, and always enter into wars in various ways, especially soft war, using cyberspace and satellites, and spread anti-Islamism and anti-Shiism and instill suspicions. Therefore, I call on the honorable followers of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) to maintain their awareness, and to be equipped against the propaganda and soft war of the enemy, and to be able to respond to them. Lest they be influenced and dominated by their evil instincts and suspicions. They must always be ready to provide appropriate and striking answers to the enemies. If they are not able to do so, and are not prepared for that, they should turn to Islamic scholars, so that, firstly, prevent doubts to remain in their minds, and secondly, gain the necessary and appropriate answers. In any case, in the face of the soft war of the enemies of Islam, it is necessary for us to fight to the best of our ability.

In the end, please tell us one of your memories from the early years of the Revolution.

I have many memories. But on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, which begins with the day of Imam Khomeini’s arrival in the country, I will share a memory of that day. After spending long time in exile and following the deceptions and vicious tricks of the Bakhtiar government that prevented the Imam Khomeini from entering the country, it was decided that Imam to return to Iran on February 1, 1979. We were among the guests at the airport to greet Imam Khomeini, and after the morning prayer we went to Mehrabad Airport in Tehran. A crowd of about 2,000 people waited in the airport lounge for the arrival of Imam Khomeini. I will never forget that in those difficult circumstances, I worried about the life and safety of the Imam. Because while some came with an invitation card and were well-known people, a large number, especially journalists, photographers, and cameramen, came with their equipment, suitcases, and bags, without a card. I got worried and mentioned it to some friends. But praise be to God, God had protected Imam Khomeini for the future of Iran and the victory of the Islamic Revolution. Imam got off the plane and entered the airport lounge. Some friends, like me, were terrified. But he spoke for a few minutes in the hall with complete confidence and calmness, and then he moved to Behesht Zahra through that countless crowd.

Scenes of this unique welcome are broadcast on television and the young people have seen it. Of course, the elders saw that day with their own eyes and remember that the late Imam Khomeini gave that historic speech in Behesht Zahra and said, “I appoint the government. With the support of this nation, I hit (the current) government on the mouth” which was very decisive.

In any case, I still remember the apprehension and concern for the security of Imam Khomeini and, God forbid, something bad happened to him. Because there was no control at that time. Of course, now accuracy and controls are done well now, but it was not like that at that time. We were very worried about Imam Khomeini. But the will of God Almighty was to keep the Imam safe and bring this Islamic revolution to fruition.

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