Ayatollah Ramazani’s message to the Conference of Ulama and Missionaries of Balkans

Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly emphasized, “It is necessary for the many of the missionaries to focus on the education of new generation, who are the founder of the future, in order to keep the society of the followers of AhlulBayt (a.s.) away from the dangers which we now clearly see among our youth and adolescents.”

ABWA Official Website – Ayatollah Reza Ramazani, Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly issued a message to the participants of the Conference of Ulama and Missionaries of the Balkans.

In this message, the Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly emphasized, “It is necessary for most of the missionaries to focus on the education of new generation, who are the founder of the future, in order to keep the society of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) followers away from the dangers which we now clearly see among our youth and adolescents.”

Another part of this message reads, “Fourteen centuries ago, our leaders (Prophet and AhlulBayt) ordered to take care of the affairs of the youth. “The hearts of children and adolescents are like uncultivated land that accepts whatever is thrown into it,” they warned, and if we do not sow the seeds of guidance on this fertile land in a timely and proper manner, and if we delay in watering it with the clear fountain of the teachings of the Quran and AhlulBayt (a.s.), the enemies of Islam and humanity will pollute it with their poisons and grow evil trees there.”

The message of Ayatollah Ramazani is as follows:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

الحمد لله رب العالمین، والصلاة والسلام علی أشرف الأنبیاء وخاتم المرسلین محمد وآله الطیبین الطاهرین، سیما بقیة الله في الأرَضین، واللعن الدائم علی أعدائهم أجمعین

عن أمیرالمؤمنین علي (عليه السلام): قالَ رَسولُ اللّه (صلى الله عليه وآله): «اللّهُمَّ ارحَم خُلَفائي» ثَلاثاً. قيلَ: يا رَسولَ اللّه ومَن خُلَفاؤُك؟ قال: الَّذينَ يُبَلِّغونَ حَديثي وسُنَّتي، ثُمَّ يُعَلِّمونَها اُمَّتي

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and the last of the messengers, Muhammad al-Mustafa, and his immaculate and pure family, including Baqīyyatullāh in the lands (Imam Mahdi), and eternal curse be upon their enemies.

Imam Ali (a.s.) narrated from Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h), “The Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) three times stated, “O Allah have mercy on my successors”. Prophet’s companions asked him, “O the Messenger of God! Who are your successors?”. Prophet answered, “Those who propagate my hadith and tradition and teach them to my Ummah”.” [1]

Dear grand ulama, missionaries, brothers and sisters!

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you!

It is my honor to offer my greetings to you, the participants in the Conference of Ulama and Missionaries of the Balkans.

Also, I would like to express my gratitude to my honorable brother Hojat al-Islam Dr. Eidi, the representative of the Supreme Leader in the Balkans, and his diligent colleagues, especially Dr. Soleimani, for holding this valuable conference.

May Allah grant you success to obtain His pleasure.

Please accept my apology because due to pre-arranged schedule, I am not able to visit you in person.

To compensate this absence, in a short note, I present some points as a reminder to myself and as a courtesy to your esteemed congregation, and I beg Allah Almighty for everyone’s felicity and health.

1. The importance of propagating Islam and the status of the preacher

In several Holy Quranic verses – such as Verse 11 of Surah Al-Mujadila [2] – as well as many parts of the Prophet’s life, knowledge has been praised, and its acquisition has been ordered. On the other hand, in many other verses and hadiths, the value of that knowledge is considered in “individual righteous action” and “knowledge help in society”. In other words, it is the teaching, training, and propagating (Islam) that makes an alem (Islamic scholar) a successor of virtuous prophets and immaculate Imams (a.s.), and not merely knowing and teaching.

Therefore, in Verse 39 of Surah Al-Ahzab it is stated that the Almighty God Himself will take care of God-fearing missionaries [3], and His Messenger considers a propagator who makes God’s servants be friends with Him, to be the best creatures [4].

2. The requirements for effectiveness of the propagation (of Islam)

After shedding light on the fact that preaching and propagating Islam is the continuation of the activities of prophets and Imams and a preacher is the followers of these dignitaries, it should be known that the effective preaching has requirements.

Regardless of “having knowledge”, which was mentioned in the first paragraph, the first requirement for influential propagating is “having sincerity”; sincerity in intention, action, speech, writing, and even in personal conduct.

As Imam Ali said, “طُوبى لِمَن أخلَصَ للّه ِعَمَلَهُ وعِلمَهُ، وحُبَّهُ وبُغضَهُ، وأخذَهُ وتَركَهُ، وكَلامَهُ وصَمتَهُ، وفِعلَهُ وقَولَه” [5]. And it is sincerity that, according to Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (a.s.), brings the best benefit to a sincere person [6]. And what benefit is better for a sincere preacher than effective words and influence on the hearts of the audience? In such a situation, propagation, which is the conveying the message to the heart and soul of the audience, is realized. And “وَمَا عَلَى الرَّسُولِ إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ الْمُبِينُ” [7].

The second requirement for effective propagation (of Islam) is that the preacher himself should act upon what he preaches. According to Imam Sadeq (a.s.), if a preacher wants to preach in a non-verbal way, his piety and good deeds will be the invitation to God [8]. Therefore, a preacher will influence people more through his conduct and actions than by his words. Because in this way he will portray a practical example of theoretical instructions for people. Imam Ali (a.s.) also emphasized this issue as he said, “مَن نَصَبَ نَفسَهُ للنّاسِ إماماً فليَبدأ بتَعليمِ نَفسِهِ قَبلَ تَعليمِ غَيرِهِ، وليَكُن تأديبُهُ بسِيرَتِهِ قَبلَ تأديبِهِ بلِسانِهِ، ومُعَلِّمُ نَفسِهِ و مُؤدِّبُها أحَقُّ بالإجلالِ من مُعَلِّمِ النّاسِ و مُؤدِّبِهِم” [9].

The third requirement for effective propagation (of Islam) is observing the requirements of time and place.

It is clear that the place requirements of a missionary active in the Balkans are different from the place requirements of a missionary who preaches in, for example, the Indian subcontinent, South Africa, or Islamic Iran.

The element of time also imposes conditions on the missionary and alters the situation for propagation from the situation that the missionary encountered, say, twenty years ago.

The correct understanding of the time and place requirements can be seen in a preacher and missionary like Jafar bin Abi Talib, who, with his tactfully choosing words and purposeful selection of Quranic verses, not only saved the lives of Muslims in exile (Abyssinia), but also softened the heart of the non-Muslim ruler (Negus) of that land to listen to the message of Islam.

Today, mentioning examples of the Prophet’s life and the instructions of the Quran and the Progeny (of the Prophet) about the values that are claimed today in the East and the West – such as freedom, justice, human rights, women’s issues, environmental protection, and protection of the poor – will bring about tangible results in bringing people’s hearts closer to God and Islam.

Eventually, the fourth requirement for effective propagation (of Islam) is “having propagation skills and applying them”. This requires continuous training and practice. Therefore, in addition to the diligence you, ulama and missionaries, have, the Islamic institutions also have important tasks to equip activists in the field of propagating Islam with these skills.

3. Taking care of the new generation and attention to modern technologies

Fourteen centuries ago, our leaders (Prophet and AhlulBayt) ordered to take care of the affairs of the youth: “علیکم بالأحداث” [10]. “The hearts of children and adolescents are like uncultivated land that accepts whatever is thrown into it,” they warned [11].

If we do not sow the seeds of guidance on this fertile land in a timely and proper manner, and if we delay in watering it with the clear fountain of the teachings of the Quran and AhlulBayt (a.s.), the enemies of Islam and humanity will pollute it with their poisons and grow evil trees there.

It is necessary for most of the missionaries to focus on the education of new generation, who are the founder of the future, in order to keep the society of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) followers away from the dangers which we now clearly see among our youth and adolescents.

Here I consider it necessary to emphasize the importance of knowing, learning and using new technologies in propagating Islam. Because if we are going to inherit the educational, propagating and training position of the divine prophets, we must speak, like them, with the “language of the people” [12], and today the language of the new generation is created in social networks and developed in internet communication tools.

Of course, along with the challenges they create, these new communication instruments also create opportunities, and taking advantage of these tools and facilities provides new and wide-ranged Minbar (platform to propagate) to missionaries.

4. Confronting the bandits of the faith

In the path of truth, there have always been bandits who, by mis-represent the reality and facts, and adorning the falsehood, have diverted many aspirants to reach the truth from their direct path and lead them to deviated sects.

In the current era also, these human devils have diverted many pure and perfection-seeker people from the right path in various ways – from the invention of false mystical schools to the false claims of Mahdism – which is considered a multiple loss for us.

Of course, this tragedy is not a new issue, but it has existed since the beginning of Islam and continued until the era of the Imams. Therefore, our religious leaders confronted the leaders of these false beliefs and tried to save their followers.

Now, we must also continue that path, and as the leader of our religion taught us [13], we should take the initiative and by quickly identifying these deviated and deviator groups, we should shed light on the threats and dangers caused by their deviant beliefs. In this regard also, the main responsibility is for the mujahideen (those who struggle in the way of God) on the front line of propagation of Islam to save the orphans from the family of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) (according to the Prophet: Harder than the kind of orphanhood in which a person has lost his father is the kind of orphanhood in which a person is far from his imam, and does not have access to him, and does not know his religious issues) from being caught in the ambush of these bandits of the faith, with their keenness, vigilance, knowledge and insight.

5. The AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly is ready to help the propagation of Islam and missionaries

There is a lot to talk about, and time is limited!

Therefore, I put the matter in a nutshell and suffice to say the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly – as an international institution that has important missions regarding the followers of AhlulBayt (a.s.) – to the best of its abilities, is ready to support the propagation of Islam and missionaries.

Among the actions and measures that can be helpful for you dear missionaries in religious, social, educational and preaching activities are: “Holding educational courses”, “Conducting research to answer new issues”, “Providing scientific and cultural packages”, “Holding face-to-face and virtual meetings”, “Media coverage of Islamic propagation activities through ABNA News Agency and Al-Thaqalayn TV”, and “Production and distribution of physical and digital books, magazines and advertising items”.

I hope that all of us will achieve more success in performing of our duties – especially missionary activities in the Balkans countries – by following the transcendent way of life and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (a.s.) and his Immaculate Family (AhlulBayt) (a.s.), benefiting from the orders of the Leader of the Muslims of the World, Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei and grand sources of emulation, through interaction with each other and synergy with similar institutions.

I ask Almighty God for health and success for all of you dear ones in introducing, propagating and promoting the liberating teachings of Islam, and serving the honorable followers of AhlulBayt (a.s.).

Finally, once again I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers of this blessed gathering.

وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمین؛

والسلام علیکم وعلینا وعلی عباد الله الصالحین.

And as our last words is praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.

Peace be upon you and us, and upon all the virtuous servants of Allah

Reza Ramazani

Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly

December 9, 2022



1. Al-Amali, by Al-Shaykh al-Saduq, p. 247, Ma’ani al-Akhbar, vol. 1, p. 375

2. “یَرفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنوا مِنْكُمْ وَالَّذينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجاتٍ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعمَلونَ خَبير” (Allah will raise in rank those of you who have faith and those who have been given knowledge, and Allah is well aware of what you do) (Holy Quran, Surah: Al-Mujadila, Verse: 11).

3. “الَّذِينَ يُبَلِّغُونَ رِسَالَاتِ اللَّهِ وَيَخْشَوْنَهُ وَلَا يَخْشَوْنَ أَحَدًا إِلَّا اللَّهَ ۗ وَكَفَىٰ بِاللَّهِ حَسِيبًا” (Those who deliver the messages of Allah and fear Him, and do not fear any one but Allah; and Allah is sufficient to take account.) (Holy Quran, Surah: Al-Ahzab, Verse: 39).

4. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said, “خِيارُ اُمَّتي مَن دَعا إلَى اللّه ِ تَعالى، وحَبَّبَ عِبادَهُ إلَيه” (The best person in my ummah is the one who invites to Allah the Almighty and makes His servants friends with Him.) (Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith No. 28779)

5. Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “Felicitous is he who his action and knowledge, love and enmity, taking and leaving (abandoning), speaking and silence, and conduct and speech, are just for God.” (Tuhaf al-Uqul, p. 100)

6. Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s.) said, “مَنْ أصْعَدَ إِلَى اللَّهِ خالِصَ عِبَادَتِهِ أهْبَطَ اَللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَيهِ أفضَلَ مَصلَحَتِه” (Whoever sent up pure deeds and perfect worship for God, God will send down the best goodness for him.) (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 67, p. 249)

7. “وَمَا عَلَى الرَّسُولِ إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ الْمُبِينُ” (and the Apostle’s duty is only to communicate in clear terms) (Holy Quran, Surah: Al-Ma'idah, Verse: 99)

8. Imam Sadeq (a.s.) said, “کونوا دُعَاةً لِلنَّاسِ بِغَيرِ ألسِنَتِكُمْ؛ لِيَرَوْا مِنكُمُ الوَرَعَ وَالاِجتِهادَ وَالصَّلاَةَ وَالخَيرَ فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ دَاعِيَة” (Invite people (to your religion) in a non-verbal way. People should see your piety, diligence, prayers and good deeds. They, themselves, are inviting.)

9. “If someone wants to place himself in the position of a leader of the people, he should educate himself before educating others, and before he wants to educate people through words, he should educate people with his behavior. A person who is his own teacher and educator deserves more respect than a person who is a teacher and educator of others.” (Nahj al-Balagha, wisdom 73)

10. Imam Sadeq (a.s.) said, “عَلَيكَ بِالأَحداثِ فَإِنَّهُم أسرَعُ إلى كُلِّ خَيرٍ” (Take care of the youth, because they turn to good deeds faster.) (Kitab al-Kafi, vol. 8, p. 193, Hadith No. 66)

11. In his will to his son Imam Hassan (a.s.), Imam Ali (a.s.) wrote, “إنَّما قَلبُ الحَدَثِ كَالاَرضِ الخاليَةِ ما اُلْقيَ فيها مِنْ شَىْءٍ قَبِلَتْهُ؛ فَبادَرتُكَ بِالاَدَبِ قَبْلَ اَنْ يَقْسُوَ قَلْبُكَ وَيَشْتَغِلَ لُبُّك” (The heart of a young person is like uncultivated land, and it accepts whatever is thrown into it. Therefore, before your heart becomes hard and your wisdom gets amused, I have devoted my efforts to your education.) (Nahj al-Balagha, Letter No. 31)

12. “وَما أرْسَلْنَا مِنْ رَسُولٍ إلَّا بِلِسانِ قَوْمِهِ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَهُمْ” (And We did not send any apostle but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly) (Holy Quran, Surah: Ibrahim, Verse: 4).

13. Imam Sadeq (a.s.) said, “بادِروا أحْداثَكُمْ بِالحَديثِ قَبْلَ أنْ تَسْبِقَكُمْ إلَيْهِمُ المُرْجِئَة” (Teach hadith (Islamic teachings) to your youth before the perverts lead them astray.) (Tahdhib al-Ahkam, vol. 8, p. 111, Hadith No. 381)


Ahl Al-Bayt World Assembly

The Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly  is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) that was established by a group of Shiite elites under the supervision of the great Islamic authority of the Shiites in 1990 to identify, organize, educate and support the followers of Ahl al-Bayt.

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