ABWA Official Website – Hamid Abedi, the photographer of ABNA News Agency, won the "8th Arbaeen World Award" in the photo section.
In a ceremony at al-Zahra (a.s.) Hussainiya of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, which was attended by Mohammad Esmaili, Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and a group of domestic and foreign cultural, artistic, and media activists, the photographer of ABNA News Agency and other winners of the “8th Arbaeen World Award” were awarded.

This round of the Arbaeen World Award was held in five categories: photos, films, travelogues, virtual space activists, and books, and from 532 participants in the three fields of photo, film, and travelogue, 4732 works were submitted to the 8th Arbaeen World Award secretariat, including 4560 works from 424 photographers, 131 films from 65 filmmakers and directors, 41 works from 26 narrators, 8400 contents published on more than 4000 virtual pages, and 86 book titles. After judging each section, the first to third winners were introduced and honored.
Photography category:
Mohammad Ibrahim Abdul Amir from Iraq, Hamid Abedi from Iran
Ali Razavian from Iran
Hassan al-Latif from Bahrain
Film category:
Sajjad Mahmoudi from Australia, Sayed Nematullah Esmaili from Iran
Ahmad Ahmadpour from Iran
Ehsan Faqihian from Iran
Travelogue category:
Batul Zahra Ekbol from Turkey
Maryam Sha’banlou from Iran
Roya Salmani from Iran
Virtual space category:
“Karbala Arbaeen” page on Instagram from Iran
“Arbaeen Lovers” page on Instagram from Iran, “Ashura Network” on Facebook from Iraq
“Hamid Borqei” page on Instagram from Iran
Book category:
“Harekat Elahi” (Divine Movement) by Hadi Ghiasi from Iran, “Omid dar Astanegi” (On the threshold of hope) by Mohammad Nasrawi from Iran
“Masil” by Zohre Isakhani from Iran, “Arbaeen Touba” by Sayed Mjid Imamian from Iran
“Ziyarah al-Arabeen Aba’adiha wa Ahammaitiha” (Arbaeen Pilgrimage, its Dimensions and Importance) by Ebrahim al-Asadi from Iraq
About Hamid Abedi
Hamid Abedi, born in Qom in 1988, has an associate degree in architecture. He is a news and social documentary photographer and started his professional photojournalism in 2014, and during this period he has collaborated with various media outlets such as Mehr News Agency, Fars News Agency, IRIB News Agency, ABNA News Agency, Rasa News Agency, and various Iranian magazines. He has also been a photojournalist at Arbaeen Walk for 8 years.
Among the titles and honors of this artist photographer, are:
Winning second place at “Photex National Festival” 2013, Nominated for an award, worthy of recognition, and admitted to the photo exhibition and book at “Khayyam International Festival” 2014, nominee for the award and entry of a photo collection to the exhibition in “Nasser Khosrow National Travelogue Festival” 2014, winning second place in “Firuzeh Frame National Festival” 2016, winning first place in the photo report category of “Abuzar Media Festival of Qom Province” 2017, winning third place in “Abarat International Mourning Ceremony” 2018, worthy of recognition in the “11th International Mourning Ceremony of Mehr of Muharram” 2018, winning first place in “The First National Photo Festival of Bushehr Tourism” 2019, winning third place in the photo collection “Soldier’s Pledge” in the special section of the 4th National Biennial Ceremony of Noor Photo” 2019, winning first place in the photo collection section of the “Ashura National Mourning Ceremony of Hey’at” with the topic of “Social services of the Hey’at” 2019, winning third place in the single photo news section of the “Abuzar Media Festival of Qom Province” 2019, winning second place in the “On foot Pilgrims of Imam Reza (a.s.)” section of “Friends Home Photo Festival 2019, Selected participant in the “urban identity” section in the first call of the photo for the “Qom, My City” competition 2020, winning third place in the Arbaeen single photo section of the 5th International Festival of Mehr of Muharram 2020, and winning first place in the 1st National Itikaf Festival of Academicians. /345/