Researchers need to refer to the late Ayatollah Al-Khersan’s works: Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi

Professor of Dars Kharij in Qom Seminary stated, “One of the most prominent books of the late Ayatollah Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan is about Ibn Abbas, entitled “موسوعةُ عبداللهِ بنِ عباس، حَبْرُ الاُمّة و تَرجُمانُ القرآن” (Encyclopedia of Abdullah ibn Abbas; the Great Scholar of Ummah and the Translation of the Quran.) This book reached 25 volumes, each volume has about 500 pages. Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan spent 25 years of his life writing this book, each volume of which took an average of one year to write.”

ABWA Official Website – The late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan (r.a.) was one of the prominent ulama of Najaf Seminary, who had a special focus and dedication to research and authoring. To answer historical, jurisprudential, and hadith doubts, he bequeathed beneficial and lasting research as his legacy. Proofreading and authoring important works on translation, genealogy, theology, hadith, and jurisprudence were only a part of the extensive services of this modest and humble seminarian professor to publish and promote the teachings of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) school.


Some of the works of Ayatollah Al-Khersan, all of which are in Arabic are: “موسوعة عبدالله ابن عباس”, “کشاف بلدان منتقلة الطالبیة”, “السجود علی التربة الحسینیة”, “علی إمام البررة”, “المحسن السبط مولود أم سقط”, “نهایة التحقیق فی ما جری فی أمر فدک للصدیقة و الصدّیق”, and “الظاهرة القرآنیة فی نهج‌البلاغة”. The book “موسوعةُ عبداللهِ بنِ عباس، حَبْرُ الاُمّة و تَرجُمانُ القرآن” (Encyclopedia of Abdullah ibn Abbas; the Great Scholar of Ummah and the Translation of the Quran) is an encyclopedia about Ibn Abbas, the paternal cousin and companion of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h), is one of the important works of the deceased, which won the Book of the Year Award of the Islamic Republic of Iran In the Field of Religion in 2016.

To commemorate Ayatollah Al-Khersan, the offices of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.) Shrines, along with about thirty other scientific and cultural institutions, including the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly, held an international congress. This congress was held on October 17 and 18, 2022, in Najaf, and on November 23 and 24, 2023, in Qom. This congress was the first congress of the series of commemorations under the title "Umana Al-Rosol" (The Trustees of the Messengers).

During his lifetime, Ayatollah Al-Khersan lived in Najaf and was the imam of the Sheikh Ansari Mosque in the city. On September 17, 2023, at the age of 97, he passed away in Najaf, and after the funeral procession, he was buried in the shrine of Imam Ali (a.s.).

Abna News Agency interviewed Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi about the biography of the late Ayatollah Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan, and the scientific and moral characteristics of this outstanding researcher of the Shiite world. This interview is published on the occasion of the 40th day of his demise:

ABNA: First, please explain about the family lineage of the late Ayatollah Al-Khersan.

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: The late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Musawi Al-Khersan Al-Najafi was the son of the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Musawi Al-Khersan Al-Najafi. The Father was one of the students of the late scholar, Ayatollah Sayed Hadi Shirazi, who researched the books of Tahzeeb and Istibsar by the late Sheikh Tusi, and these two books were published with the research of the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Al-Khersan.

Since the exile of the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) to Najaf, the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Al-Khersan was the prayer imam of the Sheikh Ansari Mosque, also known as the Mosque of the Turks. After the departure of the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) from Iraq, the prayer leadership of Sheikh Ansari Mosque went to the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan.

ABNA: In which field of religious sciences did the late Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan enter?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: Just as his father the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Al-Khersan dealt with the research of books, the late Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan also entered the field of research of books, especially the books of prominent scholars of the past. He did this at the request of the late Haj Kazem Tabrizi, the famous publisher of Najaf ulama’s books and the owner of Najaf Heydarieh Publishing House and Library. Then, the late Haj Kazem Tabrizi was forced to leave Najaf during the expulsion of Iranian descent people from Iraq and came to Qom. In this city, he established a Publishing House entitled “Manshurat Sayed Sharif Razi” in the Hazrat Sahib al-Zaman (a.s.) Mall. Many books by Shiite ulama were published by this publishing house.

Then the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan became the curator of the scientific introductions of books by Shiite ulama. His introductions to books were different from the introductions of many books that were published in the past. Because their level and scientific content did not reach the introductions by the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Musawi Al-Khersan. For example, the book “Al-Alam and Rai” by the late Sheikh Tabrizi was previously published in both Iran and Iraq with introductions by others. But when this book was published with the introduction of the late Ayatollah Al-Khersan, the remarkable difference between the introductions of this outstanding scholar and the scientific introductions was clear. Therefore, I have tried many times, if it was possible for me, to get the books that were published with scientific and research introductions by the late Ayatollah Al-Khersan.

ABNA: Did the late Ayatollah Al-Khersan also teach in the seminary?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: The late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan had no teaching occupation, and his fame was due to his research work. Of course, his father, the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Al-Khersan, held academic meetings in his home for many years with the presence of ulama and researchers, and these meetings were held on Wednesday evenings for 13 years. After his father, the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan revived this scientific meeting, which was held on Thursday mornings and Friday evenings. Many scientific topics were revived in those meetings, and the attendees benefited from the words of Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan. However, his main occupation was preparing scientific introductions for books.

I remember that the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Al-Khersan used to hold a mourning majlis for several days during the “Fatimiyah Days” (The first Fatimiyah, from the 13th to the 15th of Jumada al-Awwal, and the second Fatimiyah, from the 3rd to the 5th of Jumada al-Thani in the lunar year.), which was attended by the famous ulama of the seminary. In these gatherings, the sufferings of Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s.) were told. These gatherings were very noteworthy in terms of showing love and respect to the AhlulBayt (a.s.), especially Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s.).

ABNA: Who were the teachers of the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: In Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Osul (principles), this prominent scholar attended the Dars Kharij classes of his father, the late Ayatollah Sayed Hassan Al-Khersan. These classes were mainly the presentations of the Dars Kharij classes of his father’s teacher, the late Ayatollah Sayed Abdulhadi Shirazi. Later, the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan participated in the classes of the late Grand Ayatollah Sayed Mohsen Al-Hakim, and the late Grand Ayatollah Sayed Abu al-Qasim Khoei.

When the famous poetic verses of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) were published after his demise, Ayatollah Azmi Khoi, who was ill, reached these verses. With his poetic taste, he also wrote about 60 to 70 lines of poetry describing the merits and virtues of Imam Ali (a.s.). Later, he looked for someone to describe the poem. One of the clerics did it, but he sufficed to the minimum in this description. Therefore, the late Grand Ayatollah Khoei preferred a more detailed description of this poem.

Eventually, the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan wrote a description of the poems of the late Grand Ayatollah Khoei describing Imam Ali (a.s.), which has been published in three volumes of the book titled “Ali, Imam of the Virtuous.” In this book, according to evidence, his opinion was that Imam Ali’s (a.s.) visit to Yemen was not one time, but three or four visits on the order of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). That is, he obtained three or four proofs, each of which referred to an independent visit of Imam Ali (a.s.) to Yemen on behalf of the Great Prophet (a.s.).

It has long been known in Shiite culture that in Surah Al-Adiyat, the merits and virtues of Imam Ali (a.s.) are implicitly mentioned. At first, based on the research of Ayatollah Muhammad Hadi Ma’rafet in the book “Al-Tamhid”, I believed that Surah Al-Adiyat is a Meccan Surah (revealed in Mecca). On the other hand, if the Surah Al-Adiyat is about Imam Ali (a.s.), it was revealed during Ghazawat (wars in which the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) was present). Also, Ghazawat took place after the migration of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) from Mecca to Medina. Also, verses such as “والعادیات ضبحا” and “فالموریات قدحا” in Surah Al-Adiyat all refer to the battlefields and are not appropriate for the atmosphere of Mecca where there were no wars, but rather appropriate for the atmosphere of Medina. Therefore, after seeing Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan’s research about the revelation of Surah Al-Adiyat in al-Madinah, and seeing his proofs, I changed my opinion and accepted his, and included this issue in the third edition of my book. In the meeting I had with the late Ayatollah Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan, he was aware of this issue and expressed his satisfaction that I accepted his opinion regarding the revelation of Surah Al-Adiyat in Madinah.

ABNA: What are the outstanding scientific works of the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: One of the most prominent books of the late Ayatollah Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan is about Ibn Abbas, entitled “موسوعةُ عبداللهِ بنِ عباس، حَبْرُ الاُمّة و تَرجُمانُ القرآن” (Encyclopedia of Abdullah ibn Abbas; the Great Scholar of Ummah and the Translation of the Quran.) This book reached 25 volumes, each volume has about 500 pages. Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan spent 25 years of his life writing this book, each volume of which took an average of one year to write. When Grand Ayatollah Sistani learned about this scientific research work by the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan, ordered that this work be revived and published. First, the excerpt from the book “Encyclopedia of Abdullah ibn Abbas; the Great Scholar of Ummah and the Translation of the Quran” was published in five volumes, and then all 25 volumes were published.

Abdullah was the son of Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet (p.b.u.h). The paternal cousin of Imam Ali (a.s.), he became the ruler of Basra by order of Imam (a.s.) after the Battle of Jamal. Some accusations have been made against Ibn Abbas, including that he has tampered with the Bait al-Mal of Basra! Unfortunately, this slander was also reflected in Nahj al-Balaghah, wherein, for example, Imam Ali (a.s.) wrote a letter to Ibn Abbas in this regard! Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan rejects this slander in his book about Ibn Abbas with various arguments. I was convinced by these proofs and reflected it in my book.

ABNA: What is another outstanding work of the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: Another prominent work of his was the book “المحسن السبط مولود أم سقط” (Mohsen, a Born or Aborted Grandson of the Prophet), which was written in response to doubts and suspicions raised by non-Shiites about Hazrat Mohsen (a.s.) the son of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s.), the daughter of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). In this book, the late Ayatollah Al-Khersan answered those who have raised this doubt: “Who said that Mohsen, the son of Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s.) was aborted? He was born naturally!” There was no book with such scope, greatness, and comprehensiveness as the book “Mohsen, a Born or Aborted Grandson of the Prophet”. Anyone who wants to discuss the abortion son of Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s.) should refer to this book because it contains the most content and the most research in this regard.

ABNA: What was the political position of the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: In terms of his approach and political views, he followed the opinion of the past righteous ulama. Najaf Seminary used to intervene in many sensitive and decisive issues of the country, especially for Muslims and more specifically for Shiites. However, most of the cases of Najaf ulama’s participation in political issues and events did not lead to good results due to the sabotage of the enemies and colonists, and Najaf’s Shiite ulama did not achieve the good results they hoped for. This had a bad reflection and caused the Shiite ulama of Najaf to either not intervene in political issues, or their involvement is minimal and in very necessary issues. It means that the ulama did not enter politics, except when the situation became emergency and critical, and they were forced to intervene.

The ulama of Najaf intervened in the case of the expansion of communist activities in Iraq, which had both bad and good effects. Although the good effects of this intervention outweighed its bad effects, its effects were not agreed upon by all ulama, and there was a lot of debate among scholars in this regard. Therefore, it happened that many ulama of Najaf had an unpleasant opinion about intervening in political affairs.

ABNA: What was Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan’s opinion about Imam Khomeini (r.a.)?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: He had a positive opinion about the late Imam Khomeini’s movement. While living in Najaf, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was the imam of congregational prayers in Sheikh Ansari Mosque. After him, Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan continued this work. The late Ayatollah Sayed Mustafa Khomeini, the son of Imam Khomeini (r.a.), and the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan were neighbors in the same alley and had good relations with each other. Also, in the available pictures of the funeral procession of the late Ayatollah Sayed Mustafa Khomeini in Najaf, the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan can be seen next to Imam Khomeini (r.a.) waiting for the gathering of people for the ceremony.

ABNA: What was the view of Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan about the approximation of Islamic schools of thought?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: He went on the Hajj pilgrimage several times. During these trips, he held a meeting with two or three Hadithi Sunni ulama in Madinah and asked them for permission to narrate the hadith. The deceased had permission to narrate from one of the Yemeni ulama too. In the past, many of our ulama sought permission to narrate hadith both from Shiite and Sunni ulama. Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khersan, just as in other matters, sufficed to minimum intervention in this regard.

ABNA: Were the commemoration ceremonies held for the late Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mehdi Al-Khersan?

Ayatollah Yusofi Gharavi: Ayatollah Al-Khersan was born in 1347 AH, and he was about 97 years old at the time of his demise. In the last years of his life, a conference was held to commemorate him called “Umana Al-Rosol” (Trustees of the Messengers) in Qom and Najaf, in which various scientific and cultural centers, including the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly participated. I also participated in this conference by presenting articles and speeches.


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Ahl Al-Bayt World Assembly

The Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly  is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) that was established by a group of Shiite elites under the supervision of the great Islamic authority of the Shiites in 1990 to identify, organize, educate and support the followers of Ahl al-Bayt.

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