مطالب برچسب خورده با: Ghadir

Fighting ignorance, awakening Islamic Ummah, prevents influence of Islam’s enemies: Ayatollah Ramazani

Fighting ignorance, awakening Islamic Ummah, prevents influence of Islam’s enemies: Ayatollah Ramazani

سه شنبه, 20 تیر 1402

Ayatollah Ramazani stated, “Both Shia and Sunni Islamic scholars must disavow enemies, extremism, and distorters. They should also take action for unity and strengthen it, eliminate ignorance, and awaken Islamic nations.”

Enemies seek to weaken youth’s religion through virtual space: Ayatollah Ramazani

Enemies seek to weaken youth’s religion through virtual space: Ayatollah Ramazani

سه شنبه, 20 تیر 1402

Addressing the youth, the Secretary General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly said, “Young people should pay attention to education, self-improvement, and sports. We must be vigilant that the enemies seek to weaken the religion of the youth through virtual space.”

We must introduce Islam comprehensively, deeply, precisely/ Ashura, another Ghadir to revive Islam: Ayatollah Ramazani

We must introduce Islam comprehensively, deeply, precisely/ Ashura, another Ghadir to revive Islam: Ayatollah Ramazani

سه شنبه, 20 تیر 1402

The celebration of Eid al-Ghadir was held with the participation of the Secretary General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly and Shiite elders of Pakistan in the amphitheater hall of Jamia Al-Kowsar in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Shiites should introduce Imam Ali (a.s.) With their conduct/ Ghadir, the Greatest Eid of Islam: Ayatollah Ramazani

Shiites should introduce Imam Ali (a.s.) With their conduct/ Ghadir, the Greatest Eid of Islam: Ayatollah Ramazani

سه شنبه, 20 تیر 1402

Secretary General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly met with the members of the Narowali Khajegan Association of Lahore.

Multimedia package for Eid al-Ghadir released by AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly

Multimedia package for Eid al-Ghadir released by AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly

پنج شنبه, 15 تیر 1402

On the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir, the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly released videos on issues related to Ghadir in different languages. 

Conference “Ghadir in Islamic Civilization and Culture” to be held

Conference “Ghadir in Islamic Civilization and Culture” to be held

یکشنبه, 11 تیر 1402

The opening of the conference “Ghadir in Islamic Civilization and Culture” will be held from 8:00 am to 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2023, with the message of Grand Ayatollah Subhani, and the speech of Hojat al-Islam Sayed Abulhassan Navab, Dr. Mohammad Taqi Subhani, and Dr. Najaf Lakzai.

All Muslims have consensus about Ghadir

All Muslims have consensus about Ghadir

Ghadeer event and hadith are the sources of unity and proximity between Islamic denominations.

10 km celebration on Eid Ghadir; A celebration that should have been held for forty years ago

10 km celebration on Eid Ghadir; A celebration that should have been held for forty years ago

سه شنبه, 28 تیر 1401

Sunnis have also narrated that the Prophet (p.b.u.h), upon returning from the “حجة الوداع” (farewell Hajj pilgrimage), gathered those returning from the Hajj at a place called Ghadir Khumm and said, “من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولاه” (For whoever I am leader, Ali is his leader). There is no difference between Shia and Sunni in that such an event has occurred, and the only difference is over the meaning of “Mula” in this hadith.

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